pre-BC symptoms of fatigue
All over the forums on all servers you can read that players are tired before TBC. Be it because of xmas holidays and RL commitments, but most just seem to think "it's not worth raiding before TBC". Why is that? Only because of the easy loot from PvP atm? Or because the items will be worthless fast in the expansion? Why did people get tired of conquering the 40 ppl instances? I think it's a mix between the above reasons and that players now tend to take a break for the upcoming two or three weeks. With the new epic raid dungeon limit of 25 players, we'll most likely see a lot of existing communities to break down and new ones forming. For some mid-sized guilds this even enables them to do guild runs into those dungeons. I forsee a lots of changes coming up and with the "equal level" of gear through the upgrades again, it does not mean that we won't see some new top-raiding groups.
Even on Argent Dawn these symptoms take its toll. Looks like Suicidal Noobs ceased to raid 40 ppl content and lots of the members tried to fit in other existing communities. Seems many raid communities stopped raiding before TBC at all, resulting in many bored high-level raiders trying to organize BWL PURs or joining the C'Thun raiding project, a PUR of bored T2+ raiders trying to get C'Thun down before expansion comes. Although if you read this post, it seems it's not going without a bit of drama along the way.
Talking about the above raiding project, i had to grin when i saw one player including the info "Gender: female, Age: 28" in the sign up. Don't bother searching for it, the post was edited shortly after. Why is it that some players think this is vital information? This really reminded me of an article i read recently about the different types of female players and the problems that can occur. Read The E-Ho game (also read the comments, some pretty funny). And no, I'm not saying mentioned player is an E-Ho. :)
One other interesting thing i saw today: Wiimote as WoW controller! Probably right before christmas your TV ads show lots of Wii spots as well, look pretty funny tho i didn't try one yet. But apparently it's possible to use a program called WiinRemote (for Mac it's DarwiinRemote) to play WoW with your Wiimote, as can be seen in a video shown in the above blog entry. NO, you won't be able to swing your sword like in the commercials about Wii, but pretty funny nontheless.