What is it with the Lunar Festival, that lots of male character run around in pink dresses?!? Today i ran into Fabioso (sorry man, but your outfit begged for this *g*) and hes currently acting out his female faerie side it seems. But hes not the only one, as i saw many others... so what is it about them and their fascination for those dresses? Finally a way to cross-dress without fear of being looked down on? I thought the article
I enjoy playing a girl from the new
Escapist issue would help me understand, but it did not.
Yesterday we had a nice run in Molten Core, despite some unnecessary breaks in between, we rampaged through the whole core in a bit less then five hours - from start to dead Ragnaros. And still there is room for improvement, if you watch the latest MC speed run video from The Alterac Deviants, they did it in 1:22h. O.o
Talking about videos, i found a nice Zul'Gurub video created by Ixomunai (
Lucidus Ordo). It shows a full Zul'Gurub Hakkar run (without Bloodlord or Jin'do) plus some additional tips for each boss. And yes, I'm sure the naked rogue is really important for the Hakkar fight. *grins*
ZulGurub.wmvThe picture features one of the new AQ weapons, an axe called
Dark Edge of Insanity the eye in the middle is supposed to be animated and opens/closes.
Final Note: Some may already have realized it, I added
MapWoW to my links, the project utilizes the Google Maps API and you can have a close look at whole Azeroth, very nice.