Did you ever wonder how people got their hands on the
Green Trophy Tabard of the Illidari? Well, we did the quest yesterday, here is a small walkthrough for you. First, make sure you gather a balanced group of five people. If you want to have some fun, do this quest before the next patch hits, as the fight will be nerfed. d'oh.

It all starts with the patrol roaming the Path of Glory in Shadowmoon Valley. You need to get a hold of them and kill the Val'zareq the Conqueror elite. He'll drop
The Journal of Val'zareq, which starts that quest. You'll quickly end up talking to a guy in a crystal prison. When you start the final quest,
Battle of the Crimson Watch, your group members will get a pop-up to accept it as well. Don't retreat far from the platform the fight starts on, as when you do the quest fails. The final step is a fight with several waves. While the first wave consists of a bunch of trash mobs, the second one has two beholders, which can fear - so watch the guards at the end of the platform. The third step is the most fun one, four tough ghost warriors will spawn, wielding fire-swords. After the next patch you'll be able to CC them, at the moment you're not. So do it now, way more fun. ;)

After one Shattered Halls run with some guildies (they were nice enough to reset the instance with me again and bash trash until i *rep-dinged*. Thanks again guys!) yesterday, i managed to finally reach exalted with Honor Hold as well. So now i possess all heroic keys. c'mon, bring 'em on!!
BTW, did you check out the rest of the new
Test Realm Patch Notes? Some nice changes for warriors down the pipe, especially that we'll be able to use Thunderclap in defensive stance, which finally will give us a more reliable AoE threat skill. The changes to the rage normalization do not excite me that much to be honest. In the forums you'll also find a long list of items that will get their stats changed. While some items will get buffed, other will get nerfed very badly. Like the Junior Technician 3rd Grade Bracers (which was to be expected) or Legguards of the Resolute Defender and Timewarden's Leggings. I already have some
Bracers of the Green Fortress in my bank (they will get buffed slightly) to compensate for my bracer slot. Not sure what to do with the leggings tho. If you want to have a look, here you can find many
Undocumented Patch Changes concerning item changes.
Labels: patch, quest
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